Ryan Snefsky's Blog


Serial Position Effect - Concept


Picture yourself trying to memorize a phone number or the order of items on your to-do list. Sometimes you remember the first few items or the last ones, but recalling them in the exact sequence they were presented can be challenging, especially with bigger lists. This common experience is rooted in the Serial Position Effect, a fundamental aspect of memory studies.

Understanding this effect is crucial in unraveling how we process, store, and retrieve sequential information. In this concept post, you'll get a general overview of the Serial Position Effect, its implications for learning and memory, and a basic idea of how you can apply this knowledge to improve your memory and cognitive skills.

Serial Position Effect Defined

Serial Position Effect refers to the phenomenon where your ability to recall a list of items is influenced by the order in which they are presented. Typically, when asked to remember a sequence of items, people tend to recall items from the beginning (primacy effect) and the end (recency effect) more accurately than those in the middle.

You can observe this effect across various types of memory tasks, whether it's a list of words, numbers, or even actions. This means that the position of an item in a sequence can significantly impact your likelihood of remembering it. This insight is crucial in understanding not just how your memory works, but also in developing strategies to enhance your retention.

The Serial Position Effect demonstrates the complexities of your memory system. It highlights that memory is not just a passive storage system, but an active process that involves organizing and structuring information in a specific way. Understanding this can help you approach memory-related tasks more strategically.

Serial Position Effect's Impact on Learning and Memory

Serial Position Effect has significant implications for your learning and memory. In educational settings, it can influence how information is presented and recalled. For instance, when studying, the order in which you encounter information can affect how well you remember it.

This effect also highlights the importance of review and repetition in learning. By revisiting the middle items in a list or sequence more frequently, you can counteract the natural tendency to forget these items. This approach can enhance overall retention and understanding.

For teachers and educators, understanding the Serial Position Effect can guide the structuring of lessons and presentations. Placing key information at the beginning and end can ensure better recall, but it's also important to find ways to emphasize the middle content.

Real-Life Applications of Serial Position Effect

Serial Position Effect has many practical applications in your life. For example, when you try to remember a shopping list or the steps in a recipe, the order of items can influence how well you remember them.

In professional settings, this effect can impact how you organize and recall information in meetings or presentations. Being aware of this effect can help you structure your communication more effectively, ensuring that key points are remembered.

Strategies to Improve Serial Recall

To enhance your serial recall abilities, several strategies can be employed. One effective method is chunking, which involves grouping items into smaller, more manageable units.

Rehearsal and repetition are also key. Repeatedly practicing the sequence of items can reinforce their order in your memory. This is especially helpful for the items in the middle of the list, which are more prone to being forgotten.

Another strategy is to create associations or stories linking the items in the sequence. This method, known as the method of loci or the memory palace technique, can be particularly effective in remembering long sequences in order.

Technological Influences and Tools

In the digital age, technology plays a significant role in how we process and recall sequential information. Digital tools like note-taking apps, memory games, and organizational software can aid in improving serial recall.

These tools can help in structuring information in a way that aligns with how our memory works. For example, using digital flashcards with spaced repetition algorithms can enhance the recall of sequences by optimizing the timing of rehearsal.

However, over-reliance on digital tools can also lead to a decrease in natural memory abilities. It's important to strike a balance between using technology to assist memory and maintaining natural cognitive skills through practice and strategy.

Theories and Research Behind Serial Position Effect

Several theories have been proposed to explain the Serial Position Effect. One key theory is the dual-store memory model, which suggests that memory consists of both a short-term and a long-term store. The primacy effect is attributed to the transfer of information to long-term memory, while the recency effect is due to the retrieval of information from short-term memory.

Research has also focused on the role of attention in the Serial Position Effect. Studies suggest that items at the beginning of a list receive more attention and rehearsal, leading to better encoding into long-term memory. On the other hand, the last items are still fresh in short-term memory, making them easier to recall.


The Serial Position Effect is a key aspect of our memory system, influencing how we process, store, and retrieve sequential information. Recognizing the impact of this effect can help you develop more effective memory strategies, whether for studying, work, or everyday tasks.

As you navigate through the myriad of information in your daily life, keep in mind how the order of this information can affect your recall.

By applying strategies like chunking, rehearsal, and the use of memory aids, you can enhance your ability to remember sequences more accurately and efficiently.

Remember, understanding how your memory works is an ongoing journey, and the Serial Position Effect offers valuable insights into this fascinating aspect of human cognition.


Neuroticism - Concept


Have you ever wondered why some people seem to worry more than others? Or why certain individuals are more prone to feeling anxious, depressed, or irritable? The answer to your questions might lie in the concept of neuroticism, one of the Big 5 Personality Traits. Understanding neuroticism can help you make sense of your own emotions and those of the people around you. 

What is Neuroticism?

Neuroticism is a fundamental personality trait in the study of psychology. It's one of the "Big Five" personality traits, a model that you might have come across in your readings or discussions about personality psychology. The other four traits are extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. 

If you're high in neuroticism, you're more likely to experience negative emotions such as fear, sadness, anxiety, anger, and frustration. You might find yourself worrying about things more than others do, or feeling stressed out even when there's no apparent reason to be. On the other hand, if you're low in neuroticism, you're generally more emotionally stable and less likely to feel upset or stressed.

The Impact of Neuroticism on Your Life

Neuroticism can have a significant impact on your life. It can influence how you handle stress, how you make decisions, and even your overall mental and physical health. 

Stress and Coping

If you're high in neuroticism, you might find that you're more sensitive to stress than others. You might perceive situations as more threatening or challenging than they actually are, which can lead to feelings of anxiety or worry. This can make it harder for you to cope with stress and can lead to a higher risk of developing mental health issues such as anxiety disorders or depression.

Decision Making

Neuroticism can also affect your decision-making process. If you're high in this trait, you might find yourself overthinking decisions or worrying about the potential negative outcomes. This can make it harder for you to make decisions and can lead to procrastination or indecision.


Your level of neuroticism can also impact your physical health. Research has shown that people high in neuroticism are more likely to experience physical health problems, possibly due to the increased stress and anxiety they experience.

Measuring Your Neuroticism

So, how can you find out where you stand on the neuroticism scale? Psychologists often use questionnaires or surveys to measure this trait. These might include questions about how often you experience certain emotions or how you typically react to stressful situations. 

Remember, it's not inherently "bad" to be high in neuroticism. It's just one aspect of your personality, and it can even have some benefits. For example, your heightened sensitivity to potential problems could make you more cautious and careful, which can be a good thing in certain situations.

Managing Your Neuroticism

If you find that your level of neuroticism is causing you distress or making it hard for you to cope with your daily life, there are strategies you can use to manage it. 

Mindfulness and Meditation

Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help you manage your emotions and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. These practices can help you stay focused on the present moment, rather than worrying about the future or dwelling on the past.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can be an effective way to manage high levels of neuroticism. CBT can help you identify and challenge negative thought patterns, which can reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity can also help manage neuroticism. Exercise can reduce feelings of anxiety and improve your mood, making it a valuable tool for managing this personality trait.


Understanding neuroticism can give you valuable insights into your own behavior and emotions, as well as those of the people around you. Whether you're high or low in this trait, remember that it's just one aspect of your unique personality. With the right strategies, you can manage your neuroticism and use it to your advantage. So, the next time you find yourself worrying more than others, remember that it's part of who you are - and that's perfectly okay.

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Agreeableness - Concept


In exploring the depth of human personality, you often come across a trait that remarkably influences your social interactions: Agreeableness. It's one of the critical components of the Big 5 Personality Traits and plays a pivotal role in shaping how you connect with the world. This introductory glance at Agreeableness aims to uncover the reasons behind the varied degrees of kindness, cooperation, and empathy you observe in those around you, offering insights into this complex yet intriguing aspect of your personality.

What is Agreeableness?

Agreeableness, in the realm of psychology, is a personality trait that reflects how much you value getting along with others. It's a measure of your tendency to be compassionate, cooperative, and considerate. If you score high in agreeableness on a personality test, you're likely someone who's warm, friendly, and optimistic. You're the kind of person who believes in the goodness of others and is always ready to lend a helping hand. 

On the other hand, if you score low in agreeableness, you might be more skeptical of others' intentions. You're likely to be more competitive, critical, and may prefer to keep to yourself. It's important to note that neither high nor low agreeableness is inherently good or bad. They're just different ways of interacting with the world around you.

The Role of Agreeableness in Your Life

Agreeableness can play a significant role in your life, influencing your relationships, career, and even your health. 


In relationships, your level of agreeableness can shape how you interact with your partner, friends, and family. If you're high in agreeableness, you're likely to be empathetic, understanding, and supportive, which can foster strong, healthy relationships. However, it's also possible for you to be taken advantage of due to your trusting nature.

If you're low in agreeableness, you might be more independent and less likely to compromise, which can lead to conflicts. However, your critical thinking and skepticism can also protect you from being manipulated or deceived.


In your career, agreeableness can influence your job performance and satisfaction. If you're high in agreeableness, you might excel in roles that require teamwork, customer service, or caregiving, as these roles require empathy and cooperation. However, you might struggle in competitive environments or roles that require tough decision-making.

If you're low in agreeableness, you might thrive in roles that require critical thinking, competitiveness, or independence. However, you might struggle in roles that require a high level of interpersonal interaction or cooperation.


Interestingly, agreeableness can also impact your health. Research suggests that people high in agreeableness may have lower levels of stress and better mental health due to their positive relationships and optimistic outlook. However, they might also be more prone to weight gain and less likely to engage in vigorous physical activity.

Measuring Agreeableness

So, how can you measure your level of agreeableness? Psychologists often use personality tests, such as the Big Five Inventory (BFI), to assess your level of agreeableness. These tests typically involve answering a series of questions about your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. 

Remember, your level of agreeableness isn't fixed. It can change over time due to life experiences, personal growth, and other factors. So, don't be surprised if your level of agreeableness shifts throughout your life.

The Sub-Facets of Agreeableness

Agreeableness is a broad trait, and it can be broken down into several sub-facets. These include:

1. Altruism: This is your willingness to help others without expecting anything in return. If you're high in altruism, you're likely to be generous and selfless.

2. Trust: This reflects your belief in the goodness and reliability of others. If you're high in trust, you're likely to give others the benefit of the doubt.

3. Compliance: This is your tendency to avoid conflicts and disagreements. If you're high in compliance, you're likely to be accommodating and easy-going.

4. Modesty: This reflects your willingness to downplay your achievements and not seek the spotlight. If you're high in modesty, you're likely to be humble and unassuming.

5. Tender-mindedness: This is your tendency to feel sympathy and compassion for others. If you're high in tender-mindedness, you're likely to be empathetic and caring.


In conclusion, agreeableness is a fascinating personality trait that can shape your relationships, career, and health. Whether you're high or low in agreeableness, understanding this trait can help you navigate your interactions with others and the world around you. So, the next time you're wondering why you or someone else acts a certain way, consider the role of agreeableness. It might just provide the insight you're looking for.

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Extraversion - Concept


Have you ever wondered why some people are naturally outgoing, while others prefer solitude? Why some of your friends are the life of the party, while others prefer a quiet night in? The answer to these questions lies in the concept of extraversion, one of the Big 5 Personality Traits. This fascinating trait can help you understand not only your own behavior but also the behavior of those around you. 

What is Extraversion?

Extraversion, in the simplest terms, is a personality trait that signifies enthusiasm, assertiveness, and high levels of energy. If you score high in Extraversion on a personality assessment, you're likely to enjoy social gatherings, engaging in conversation, and generally being around people. You might find that you draw energy from these social interactions, and you may feel invigorated when you're in a lively environment.

On the other hand, if you're more introverted, you might find that you need time alone to recharge after social interactions, and you may prefer quieter, more introspective activities. It's important to note that extraversion and introversion exist on a spectrum, and most people fall somewhere in between these two extremes.

Characteristics of Extraverts

If you're an extravert, you might find that you have a number of characteristics that set you apart. Extraverts are often sociable, assertive, and talkative. You might find that you enjoy being the center of attention, and you're likely to feel comfortable in large groups or unfamiliar situations. You might also be more prone to experiencing positive emotions, and you may have a tendency to be more action-oriented.

The Benefits of Extraversion

Being an extravert can have a number of benefits. For one, you're likely to have a larger social network, which can provide support, opportunities, and a sense of belonging. You might also find that you're more comfortable in leadership roles, and you may be more likely to take risks and seize opportunities. Research has also shown that extraverts tend to report higher levels of happiness and well-being.

The Challenges of Extraversion

Being an extravert isn't always easy. You might find that you're more susceptible to boredom when you're alone, and you may struggle with introspection or spending time in quiet reflection. You might also find that you're more prone to impulsivity, which can lead to risky behavior. It's important to remember that these are general tendencies, and individual experiences can vary greatly.

Extraversion and Your Life

Understanding your level of extraversion can have a profound impact on your life. It can help you understand your preferences and tendencies, and it can guide you in making decisions that align with your personality. For example, if you're highly extraverted, you might thrive in a career that involves a lot of social interaction, like sales or teaching. On the other hand, if you're more introverted, you might prefer a career that allows for more solitude, like writing or programming.


Extraversion is a fascinating concept that can help you understand yourself and others in a deeper way. Whether you're an extravert, an introvert, or somewhere in between, understanding this trait can help you navigate your relationships, your career, and your life with more insight and empathy. So, the next time you're at a party or spending a quiet night in, take a moment to reflect on where you fall on the extraversion spectrum. You might just learn something new about yourself!

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Conscientiousness - Concept


Have you ever wondered why some people are so organized, diligent, and responsible, while others seem to be more spontaneous and carefree? The answer might lie in one of the Big 5 Personality Traits: Conscientiousness. This concept page is your guide to getting a general understanding of Conscientiousness, how it shapes your behavior, and some of its impact on your life.

What is Conscientiousness?

Conscientiousness is a fundamental personality trait that reflects your level of organization, responsibility, and dependability. It's one of the Big 5 Personality Traits, a model in psychology that describes the most significant dimensions of human personality. If you score high in conscientiousness on a personality assessment, you're likely to be meticulous, hardworking, and reliable. On the other hand, if you score low in conscientiousness, you might be more spontaneous, flexible, and less focused on details.

The Spectrum of Conscientiousness

Like all the Big 5 traits, conscientiousness is a spectrum. On one end, you have high conscientiousness, characterized by being organized, detail-oriented, and dependable. If this sounds like you, you probably have a knack for planning ahead, meeting deadlines, and sticking to your commitments.

On the other end of the spectrum, low conscientiousness is associated with flexibility, spontaneity, and a more laid-back approach to life. If you identify with these traits, you might prefer to go with the flow rather than sticking to a rigid plan.

It's important to remember that neither end of the spectrum is inherently "better" or "worse." Both high and low conscientiousness have their strengths and challenges. It's about understanding your natural tendencies and leveraging them to your advantage.

The Facets of Conscientiousness

Conscientiousness can be broken down into six facets, each representing a different aspect of this trait. Understanding these facets can give you a more nuanced view of your conscientiousness.

1. Self-Efficacy: This facet reflects your belief in your ability to accomplish tasks. If you have high self-efficacy, you're likely to feel confident in your abilities and take on challenges head-on.

2. Orderliness: This is all about how organized you are. If you're high in orderliness, you probably have a place for everything and put everything in its place.

3. Dutifulness: This facet reflects your sense of moral obligation and commitment to your responsibilities. If you're high in dutifulness, you're likely to take your commitments seriously and follow through on your promises.

4. Achievement-Striving: This is about your drive to achieve and succeed. If you're high in achievement-striving, you're likely to set ambitious goals for yourself and work hard to achieve them.

5. Self-Discipline: This facet reflects your ability to control your impulses and stay focused on your tasks. If you're high in self-discipline, you're likely to be good at resisting distractions and staying on task.

6. Cautiousness: This is about your tendency to think before you act. If you're high in cautiousness, you're likely to take your time making decisions and consider all the potential consequences.

The Impact of Conscientiousness on Your Life

Conscientiousness can have a significant impact on various aspects of your life, from your work performance to your relationships.

Work and Career: Conscientiousness is one of the best predictors of job performance. If you're high in conscientiousness, you're likely to be a reliable and productive employee. You're also more likely to be satisfied with your job, as you derive satisfaction from completing tasks and achieving your goals.

Health and Lifestyle: Research shows that people high in conscientiousness tend to lead healthier lives. They're more likely to exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, and avoid risky behaviors. This can lead to better physical health and a longer lifespan.

Relationships: In relationships, conscientiousness can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, being reliable and responsible can make you a dependable partner. On the other hand, being overly focused on details and planning can sometimes lead to conflicts, especially if your partner is more spontaneous.


Conscientiousness is a complex and fascinating personality trait that can shape your behavior and influence various aspects of your life. Understanding your level of conscientiousness can help you leverage your strengths, work on your challenges, and ultimately lead a more fulfilling life. Remember, there's no "right" or "wrong" level of conscientiousness. It's all about understanding who you are and making the most of your unique personality traits.

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Openness to Experience - Concept


In this post, you will get a broad overview of one of the Big 5 Personality Traits, Openness to Experience. This concept is not only intriguing but also incredibly relevant to your daily life. Understanding it can help you better comprehend your own behaviors, motivations, and even your relationships with others.

What is Openness to Experience?

Openness to Experience is one of the five major dimensions that define human personality in the Big 5 Personality Traits Model. This model, also known as the Five Factor Model, is widely accepted by psychologists and is used to measure and describe how you and others differ in your personalities.

What does Openness to Experience mean for you? It's all about how open you are to new experiences, ideas, and different ways of thinking. If you score high in this trait on a personality assessment, you're likely to be imaginative, creative, and curious. You might enjoy exploring new cultures and places, learning new things, and challenging conventional wisdom. On the other hand, if you score low, you might prefer sticking to what you know, following traditional paths, and seeking more certainty with a greater aversion to taking risks.

Why is Openness to Experience Important?

You might be wondering, "Why should I care about Openness to Experience?" Well, this trait can have a significant impact on various aspects of your life. It can influence your career choices, your relationships, your political affiliation, and even your mental health.

For instance, if you score high in Openness to Experience, you might thrive in careers that require creativity and innovation. You might enjoy roles that allow you to think outside the box, solve complex problems, and constantly learn new things. On the other hand, if you're low in this trait, you might prefer jobs that offer stability, clear rules, and well-defined tasks, such as an accountant or an air traffic controller.

In terms of relationships, your level of Openness to Experience can affect how you interact with others. If you score high in Openness, you might enjoy meeting new people, exploring different cultures, and discussing abstract ideas. If you're low, you might prefer spending time with close friends, sticking to familiar environments, and discussing practical matters.

Finally, research has shown that Openness to Experience can be linked to mental health. For instance, high levels of this trait have been associated with greater resilience and better coping strategies. However, it's important to remember that this is just one aspect of your personality, and it doesn't determine your mental health on its own.

How is Openness to Experience Measured?

Psychologists typically use questionnaires, such as the NEO Personality Inventory, to assess Openness to Experience. These questionnaires include statements related to Openness, and you're asked to rate how much you agree or disagree with each statement.

For instance, you might be asked to rate statements like "I have a vivid imagination," "I enjoy trying new foods," or "I prefer to stick to what I know." Your responses can then be used to calculate your level of Openness to Experience.

How Can You Develop Openness to Experience?

If you're intrigued by this concept and want to develop your Openness to Experience, there are several strategies you can try. Remember, this is about expanding your horizons and embracing new experiences, so be prepared to step out of your comfort zone!

Firstly, you can try to expose yourself to new ideas and perspectives. This could involve reading books from different genres, watching documentaries about unfamiliar topics, or engaging in discussions with people who have different viewpoints.

Secondly, you can seek out new experiences. This could involve traveling to new places, trying new hobbies, or experimenting with different cuisines. The key is to approach these experiences with an open mind and a sense of curiosity.

Finally, you can practice mindfulness. This involves paying attention to your present moment experiences without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, you can become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, which can help you become more open to new experiences.


Openness to Experience is a fascinating concept that can offer valuable insights into your personality. By understanding this trait, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and others, which can enhance your relationships, career choices, and overall well-being. So, why not take a moment to reflect on your own level of Openness to Experience and consider how it might be influencing your life? You might just discover something new about yourself!

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Big 5 Personality Model - Concept


If you want a simple, but powerful way to understand the complexities of human personality, then the Big 5 Personality Model is the perfect concept for you! This widely recognized and respected model of personality traits will give you a foundation for understanding your own unique characteristics and those of the people around you. Let's dive in!

What is the Big 5 Personality Model?

The Big 5 Personality Model, also known as the Five-Factor Model, is a comprehensive framework for understanding the core dimensions of human personality. These dimensions are Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism, which can be easily  remembered using the acronym OCEAN.

Here is a fairly simplistic overview of the five dimensions that make up the Big 5 Personality Model.

Openness to Experience

Openness to Experience refers to your willingness to seek out and engage with new ideas, experiences, and perspectives. If you score high on this dimension, you may be imaginative, curious, and open-minded. You may enjoy trying new things, exploring new places, and engaging in new intellectual pursuits. On the other hand, if you score low on Openness, you may be more conservative in your thinking, prefer familiar experiences, and have less interest in artistic or creative endeavors.


Conscientiousness describes your level of organization, self-discipline, and reliability. If you have a high score on this dimension, you may be responsible, dependable, and goal-oriented. You may have strong attention to detail and be diligent in pursuing your objectives. On the contrary, if you score low on Conscientiousness, you may be more spontaneous, disorganized, and have a more relaxed approach to life.


Extraversion relates to where you draw your energy from – social interaction or solitude. High scorers on this dimension often thrive in social settings, finding renewed emotional energy in the company of others. They may be characterized as outgoing, sociable, and enjoy engaging in conversations. However, if you score low on Extraversion, you likely prefer tranquility and solitude for emotional revitalization. You might be introspective, reserved, and more comfortable in smaller, more personal social settings.


Agreeableness reveals your conflict resolution style and how you navigate interpersonal relationships. If you're high in Agreeableness, you're likely to employ empathy and understanding when dealing with disagreements, preferring to keep relations cordial and harmonious. These individuals are often warm, friendly, and cooperative. Conversely, those scoring low on Agreeableness are generally not afraid of conflicts and can handle them head-on, often valuing honesty over harmony. They can be perceived as strong-willed, assertive, and competitive.


Neuroticism considers how easily your emotional state is influenced and how long it takes for you to return to your baseline mood after both positive and negative events. High scorers on Neuroticism might be sensitive to stress and experience intense emotions for longer periods of time, irrespective of whether the emotions are positive or negative. These individuals are often more emotionally volatile. In contrast, individuals who score low on Neuroticism may experience emotional disruptions, but they generally describe them as relatively less intense and they typically restore to their emotional baseline state more quickly. They're generally viewed as emotionally stable and resilient.

Why the Big 5 Personality Model Matters

The Big 5 Personality Model is important because it provides a powerful and scientifically validated framework for understanding human personality. By understanding your own personality traits and those of others, you can:

  1. Improve your self-awareness and personal growth
  2. Enhance your interpersonal relationships by better understanding the needs and preferences of others
  3. Make informed decisions about career choices and work environments that align with your personality
  4. Foster greater tolerance and appreciation for individual differences
  5. Develop more effective communication strategies by recognizing and adapting to the personality styles of others
  6. Gain insights into your strengths and weaknesses, enabling you to develop strategies for personal and professional success
  7. Better understand group dynamics and team functioning, contributing to improved collaboration and productivity

Ways You Can Apply the Big 5 Personality Model in Your Life

Now that you have a basic understanding of the Big 5 Personality Model, you can begin to apply this knowledge to various aspects of your life. Here are a few practical suggestions to get you started:

  1. Assess your own personality: You can start by taking a reputable Big 5 personality test to gain insights into your own personality traits. This will help you understand your strengths and areas for growth, as well as how you may interact with others.
  2. Reflect on your relationships: Consider the personalities of your friends, family members, and colleagues. Recognize how their traits may influence their behavior and how you can adapt your communication style to better connect with them.
  3. Evaluate your career choices: With a better understanding of your personality, you can make more informed decisions about your career path. Consider how your traits align with the demands and work environment of various occupations and seek opportunities that will help you thrive.
  4. Improve your teamwork skills: Recognizing the diverse personality traits within your team can help you foster a more collaborative and productive work environment. Encourage open communication, adapt your leadership style to the needs of your team members, and leverage the strengths of each individual.
  5. Foster personal growth: Use your understanding of the Big 5 Personality Model to set realistic goals for personal and professional development. Focus on building upon your strengths and addressing areas where you may need improvement.


As we bring our brief discussion of the Big 5 Personality Model to a close, you should stay conscious of the fact that this model is far more than just a theory — it's a tool for practical, everyday use. The principles of the five core personality traits serve as anchors to give you a usable insight into your understanding of the complex world of human behavior. You can use this knowledge as a springboard for both personal and career development, improving your interpersonal relationships, and enjoying a richer life experience. In the near future, we will explore how to do some of this in the section below titled "Related content".

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Get Ready for a Deeper Dive: 'Behind the Tweet' Blog Posts Are Coming Soon!

Twitter, with its limited character count, has become a hub for short and snappy messages that often convey only a fraction of the ideas behind them. But what if we could expand on the ideas of a tweet in a far less limiting way? Well now we can with the new "Behind the Tweet" tag here on the blog!

This is a new category that will feature posts where I will take one of my tweets and expand on the idea(s) behind it. This can be a space for things like exploring the context that led to a tweet or expand on its message in a way that allows readers to gain a better understanding of what I was trying to convey.

Why create this category? I believe it's valuable to bring more nuance to the discussions that take place on Twitter. Tweets can often be taken out of context. And the full scope of an idea can become substantially diluted when a more complicated idea is reduced to only 240 characters.

By creating this new category, I can provide more context to my tweets and allow you to see the bigger picture. This will hopefully provide a bit more intellectual value to the content you engage with.

So if you're interested in exploring some of the concepts that inspire my tweets, I think you'll enjoy this new category. Stay tuned for some new posts!

Space Control - Concept

Do you want to learn one skill that can give you an absolute advantage in your ability to achieve literally all of your goals? If your answer is a resounding “yes”, then this concept is for you. That one skill that has the power to change your life so significantly is the skill of “space control”.

Though the concept of space control can get quite in depth, this post is designed to give you a high level overview of the concept of space control so you can have a good basic foundation. Then, going forward, you will be in a much better position to understand more in-depth content on this site that will teach you how to make space control work to your advantage. So let’s dive in!

What is Space Control?

In simple terms, space control refers to having complete control over everything that does and does not happen in a given area. This control is essential to maintain and achieve certain objectives in that area and potentially beyond.

Let's take a closer look at the main ideas that make up the concept of space control.

Space Awareness

The first step towards achieving space control is achieving space awareness. Space awareness involves having a complete understanding of what is going on and what is not going on in a given area.

This means having a full awareness and understanding of the physical characteristics of the area, as well other factors that may affect the area, such as potential threats that can occur inside the space, and potential resources that can be used in the achievement of goals and mitigation of threats.

Adjacent Space Awareness

Adjacent space awareness is the ability to have awareness and understanding of what is happening in the space immediately surrounding your controlled space.

This involves being aware of any objects that may enter your space from the surrounding area. It also means understanding how the physical, human, and other factors of the surrounding space may affect your controlled space.

An example of adjacent space awareness could be a real estate investor, who invests in a specific neighborhood, having awareness of things like crime/education/income trends of the neighborhoods that share a border with the neighborhood in which the investor currently invests.

Another example could be a country that maintains an awareness of the political/military activities of other countries that share a common border.

Organizational Control

Organizational control is the ability to position every object in your controlled space in a way that allows for maximum freedom of movement, and simultaneously allows you to find and access objects necessary for achieving your goals as fast as possible.

As part of establishing organizational control, every object in a controlled space should have a useful and reasonably probable purpose. Objects that are overly redundant or unnecessary should be removed from the space to avoid clutter and confusion.

An example of organizational control could be a dentist that has an organized tray of tools handy that will most likely be needed to achieve the task at hand. Unnecessary tools do not exist on the tray. And the tools that are necessary are laid out with precise organization.

Why Space Control Matters

Space control is an important concept because it is a skill that is essential to achieving literally all of our goals. Whether you're conscious of it or not, everything you do in life involves space control.

For instance, suppose you want to get a new job. You must have must have space control of the area that you call your resume. Your resume must be able to have control of the attention (effective the brain spaces) of various human resources professionals in their offices.

You also must be able to mutually control some critical space in an interview room with key hiring decision makers. While there, you also need to have control over some of what happens in the heads of the people interviewing you, such as their perceptions of you and their desires to hire you above all the other candidates.

The concept of space control is literally present with every action you take on this earth. When you brush your teeth, you are controlling what does and does not occur in your mouth with respect to food particles, pH balance, and bacteria. When you exercise, you are controlling what does and does not happen in the space occupied by your muscles, heart, and brain.

Achieving anything and everything in life revolves around your ability to do one main thing: control space. If there is any goal you have in life that you don't know how to achieve, start with becoming conscious of exactly how the concepts of space control apply to the attainment of your goal. Because space control is the key to accomplishing absolutely everything.


In summary, mastering the skill of space control is a game-changer that will transform your life in countless ways. By developing space awareness, adjacent space awareness, and organizational control, you can gain an edge in everything you do. Whether you're pursuing a new career, building a business, or striving to reach a personal goal, understanding and implementing the concept of space control will help you not only achieve success, but achieve it faster and more efficiently and ever.

Now that you have a high level understanding of the concept of space control, we can dive a little deeper into how to use this concept to your advantage.

Related Content

[Links to related content will be added here as it is developed.]


The Power of “Concept” Posts: Enhancing Your Reading Experience

Going forward, you are going to begin to notice a new category of posts here on the blog called “Concepts”.

“Concept” posts will serve as a hub for broad ideas or topics that are discussed on the blog and have many different facets or angles. These posts will serve two main purposes.

First, they will serve to communicate a general description or explanation of the concept for reference purposes. So, if a concept in a post is discussed with which you are unfamiliar, you’ll be able to click on the concept and be taken to the concept post that provides some background information to help bring you up to speed. This way, you won’t have to leave to go investigate the concept on a different site, such as Wikipedia, and the background information you get will be much more tailored to helping you understand the content that exists here on the blog.

Second, these “Concept” posts will serve as a place to aggregate content on the blog that relates to each concept. This way, if you’re reading a post that you find interesting and relates to a certain concept, you’ll easily and quickly be able to find other content that you’ll be likely to enjoy by clicking on the linked concept post.

So to look at an example of a possible Concept post, suppose you’re reading a post here that relates to a narrow aspect of Psychology. Within that post, you’d be able to click on the word “psychology” (assuming a concept page for psychology exists here), and you’d be taken to a page that 1) briefly discusses what psychology is, 2) has links to content here on the blog that is related to psychology, and 3) includes an interactive list of other concept posts that exist here on the blog and relate to the concept of psychology.

So whether you’re someone looking to deepen your understanding of a particular subject or simply someone who enjoys exploring the potential rabbit holes of new ideas and concepts, I think you’ll find the new “concept” posts here to be of value.

I hope you enjoy! And if you have any ideas as to how to make concept posts even more valuable to readers, please share your ideas with me here in the comments or by sending me a message on either Twitter or Instagram @RyanSnefsky.

Thank you for reading!


Beyond Exercise: Surprising and Effective Brain Hacks to Reduce Stress


You may already be aware that exercise reduces the feeling of stress and helps you to feel more relaxed. But what you may not know is why this works and how you can use this information to create other ways to successfully manage stress that don't involve exercise.

Why Exercise Helps Relieve Stress

Let's begin with looking at why exercise causes you to feel less stressed. Simply put, there's a part of your brain that is actually responsible for creating the feeling of stress. We call this feeling of stress the "fight or flight response".

The part of your brain that's responsible for creating the fight or flight response requires chemical energy in order to function properly. However, when you move, there's a different part of your brain, called the "motor cortex", that also requires chemical energy in order to function correctly and allow you to move in complex ways.

When there is an oversupply of chemicals creating chemical energy in the stress part of the brain, your brain has to relocate those energy chemicals away from the stress area and move them into the part of the brain that is largely responsible for motion.

When this happens, you're able to move, but you no longer feel as stressed because there is less chemical energy supplying the fight or flight, or stress response, part of your brain.

It is worth noting that more complex movements require more chemical energy than less complex movements.

For example, going for a walk will certainly help you feel less stressed. However, if you do some soccer drills where you're dribbling a ball around some cones, maybe doing some complex footwork, and practice moving in ways that you don't normally move, you will likely feel even less stressed than if you simply go for a walk.

This is because the more complex movements require more chemical energy than the simple walk, so more chemical energy must be removed from the fight or flight part of your brain for use by the motor cortex.

Also, types of movement that are new to you require a lot of chemical energy for your brain to process verses movements that are known and simple.

So for example, if you typically play soccer as a stress relief, you may find it even more relieving to play basketball or go to a yoga class, if those are not activities that you find particularly familiar.

When your brain has to figure out how to move and coordinate different muscle groups, that requires more processing and thus requires more chemical energy to undergo that processing.

What are some other ways this information can be used to relieve stress?

This relocation of chemical energy doesn't occur only when you move, however. It occurs when your brain requires energy for any sort of function.

For example, when you eat and you taste some food, especially if it's very potent tasting food, your brain has to tell you what it tastes like. And there's a part of your brain that's responsible for processing taste.

So if you have a strong flavored mint candy, you can reduce the feeling of stress by causing your brain to have to process the strong flavor. For this to work, you can use something other than a mint or candy, as long as the flavor is as potent as possible.

Many people feel very relaxed and stress-free while taking a shower. The reason is because the water is hitting your skin and your brain has to process the fact that A) water is impacting your skin, and B) that water has a particular temperature of which you need to be aware.

In in the scope of just a few minutes in the shower, your brain has to process a tremendous amount of sensory information. That processing requires a lot of chemical energy that can't be used by another part of the brain, such as that part of the brain responsible for fight or flight, while the processing is ongoing.

Predictable music can relieve stress, while unpredictable music can increase stress:

Listening to music can be a great way to reduce the feeling of stress, because there's a part of the brain, called the "auditory cortex", that's responsible for processing sound and requires chemical energy in order to function. However, when using music to reduce the feeling of stress, predictability is important.

Your brain uses hearing to help you determine the predictability of your environment. If your brain senses that your environment is chaotic, it is more likely to access the fight or flight response.

So for example, if your brain hears the sound of a roaring lion and you are not at a zoo, that's a potential chaotic situation that will likely cause your brain to prepare the rest of your body to run, which is of course what we mean by the "flight" part of the of fight or flight response. 

To avoid the fight or flight response from being more likely to stay active while listening to music, try to keep the music you listen to as predictable as possible.

So for instance, listen to some songs on your favorite playlist, rather than listening to a new radio station. Or, listen to a kind of music that is extremely repetitive, and therefore more predictable, such as a "down tempo" channel on your favorite music streaming service.


To conclude, you now know why exercise causes you to feel less stressed. And by understanding the "why", you now have a mental framework within which to develop other tactics for reducing stress that don't necessarily involve exercise, but can utilize other resources you may have at your disposal. Having additional tools means a greater likelihood of stress relief, even at times when exercise isn't a viable option.

Hopefully, you got some real value from this post. If you have ideas, comments or questions, please let me know in the comments section or send me a message on Twitter or Instagram @ryansnefsky.

Also, if you've found value from this post, please consider sharing it with your friends and family through your social media of choice. The more you share this stuff, the more people get to benefit from it. Plus, sharing helps you bring value to your favorite communities.

Thank you for reading!


How Can We Make the World a Better Place?

A Gentleman who goes by the name, Musik.Vibes, asked, "I'm originally from California and I'm currently living on the East Coast. How can we make the world a better place? How can we make the world a better place for us to live and prosper. There are so many people, over 7 billion of us on earth. It's tough."

We can help make the world a better place in two broad ways:

It is a big world to make a better place. I like to approach this question from the perspective that there are two ways to think about making the world a better place. You can add indirect value to people or you can add direct value. Here's what I mean by that.

We can add indirect value to people.

To add indirect value means to proliferate change to the environment of people generally. That could mean advocating for a change in laws to make things more favorable for people who are struggling or make it easier for people to succeed.

That could also mean working to establish, help, or influence various institutions to either help people that are struggling or help enable people to succeed. These "institutions" could be non-profits, charities, or even government institutions.

We can add direct value to people.

The best and easiest ways we can make the world a better place is by adding direct value to people.

Maybe a year or so ago, I start an experiment. Every time I went into a room, or approached a person or a group of people, I started asking myself, "How can I add value right here, right now?"

It could be anywhere. It could be getting on the subway. It could be walking into a restaurant. It could be visiting your family. Wherever you are, start always trying to add some kind of value to the people around you.

When you start approaching the world this way, you're going to find that your entire world is going to change. I definitely noticed it.

How can we add direct value to people?

Adding value could be as simple as finding a way to put a smile on someone's face. Make someone laugh.

It could be just reaching out and saying hello to a stranger. Especially right now. Many people are lonely as fuck because they're quarantined and isolated.

If you're standing in line at the grocery store and your standing 6 feet apart to practice social distancing, say "Hi" to someone in line.

It's a crazy time we live in. The other night I went for a walk. When people see other people on the sidewalk now, they cross the street. Everybody's dodging each other. We've somewhat forgotten about the art of just saying "hi" to people and adding some random positivity to people's lives.

Start thinking bigger!

Adding direct value to people is something you can progressively snowball. If your social network is small, start small by just adding direct value to the people in your immediate vicinity.

As you make your social network bigger and you have more access to more people and more resources, start asking yourself, "How can I add value to the more connected, more powerful people in the community?"

Think along the lines of finding ways to add value to your local government representative, some of the people on the board of a local charity you care about, or even the owners of some local businesses you like.

When you start adding value to people with more connections and more resources, I'm telling you, your whole life will change for the good in ways you can't even yet imagine. And, you'll both make the world a better place directly and create more power to add indirect value to people in the process.


How to Get Followers on Twitter - First Understand the 3 Following Requirements

If you are interested in how to get more followers on Twitter, a social media platform which can be very powerful for increasing your influence, the first thing you need to become aware of is why people follow you.

There are many strategies and tactics that can be used to get followers on Twitter that I will be discussing in the near future here on this blog. But, without a full understanding of why people follow, implementing those strategies and tactics will be far more challenging.

People follow you on Twitter when all of the following three requirements are met:

Requirement #1: A potential follower must be consciously aware that both you and your Twitter account exist.

Requirement #2: You must bring a potential follower enough value that they want more.

Requirement #3: Once someone follows you, you must maintain bringing them a net positive value so they don't unfollow you.

Obviously, each of these three requirements warrant additional explanation to be more fully understood.

Over the coming days, I will provide more details to each of these requirements in separate posts that I will link to from this post as they are completed.

There is value in posting these three requirements now, though, even if just to establish an outline, as some awareness of these necessities now is more valuable to you than no awareness of them at all.

More soon.


Get Paid To... Brainstorm?!

This post is going to serve a few purposes. First, it is going to introduce a new hashtag topic on this blog. Then, it's going to convey some real actionable thoughts on the value of your brainstorms...

The New #BrainStorms Hashtag Topic
As this blog grows, both in number of posts and topics, it will make sense to have topic links where you can see other posts that relate to the topic. Topic links will be denoted with a hashtag. If you are viewing this blog on a desktop, laptop, or tablet, you will find hashtag topics on the right side of the page and at the bottom of each post. If you are viewing on a cell phone, you will only see them at the end of each post.

Today, I am introducing the #BrainStorms hash tag. In addition to sharing my more refined, highly thought out posts, I am also going to be putting out some posts that are a more raw exploration of ideas. There are actually benefits to both of us in doing so.

The benefit of #BrainStorms to you

From your perspective, there will be times where I will have an idea that I would like to develop into a post, but it will take some time to throw the post together. Before I write the post, I brainstorm ideas that will exist within it anyway. By taking in a brainstorm, you'll have at least some sort of access to what's going on in my head a little quicker, until the more refined thought is complete.

Also, the brainstorm may plant a seed that leads to a whole line of thinking for you that might not otherwise have occurred. There may be things that you realize or contemplate that are independent of any more refined post that I make. This is good for you from the perspective of idea generation.

Lastly, as you dive deeper into my content, I think you're going to find that I think quite a bit differently from most people. It's not necessarily better or worse. But, it's unquestionably different, which can be a source of value to you. By seeing me think about an idea at a raw level, you'll have a deeper insight into how I think. And, from that alone, you may be able to extract some value.

The benefit of #BrainStorms to me

From my perspective, publishing my brainstorm ideas does two things. First, it allows me to test ideas to see how they are received. You as the reader have the ability to make comments at the bottom of these posts. Also, readers engage with these posts on social media outlets, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, also places where I can get feedback. With your feedback at the brainstorm level, I can make more refined posts that are far more interesting and valuable to you (which I guess is also a benefit to you as well as me.)

Feedback doesn't just exist in the form of comments either. Behind the scenes of this blog, I can see which posts have the most views. If one idea gets quite a bit more traffic than another, that could be an indication to me of where your interest lies, even in the absence of a comment.

Also, from my perspective, exploring an idea as a written brainstorm allows me a way to keep track of ideas that I might like to develop. For any particular idea, maybe I'll develop it later... maybe I won't. Maybe I need more time for it to develop. But, in any event, this will create an easy place for me to have a well of ideas that can be further developed.

Your brainstorms are worth far more than you may realize...

There is a somewhat common saying the "success gurus" like to say, which is, "Ideas are a dime a dozen. Execution is everything." While the speedy execution of good ideas does produce tremendous value, the idea that ideas are a dime a dozen is simply garbage. Let's look at why.

Let's start with a very literal approach and run the math on this. Ok, if ideas are a dime a dozen, then the value of one idea (not even a great idea, just a typical, run of the mill, mediocre idea) is worth $0.00833, or 0.10 divided by 12, according to this saying. So one idea is supposedly not even worth a penny. Well that's just bulls#!t.

Over the years, I've put my ideas out there on a variety of mediums, some which can be monetized, like on a blog, YouTube, and Amazon, and some that cannot such as on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. To the extent that I've put an idea out there on a platform that can be monetized, even my worst ideas, there is not a single one of them that's been worth less than at least a few bucks to me thus far. (I say thus far, because once you have an idea out there on a monetizable platform, it stands to pay you for the rest of your life.) And, that's just my worst ideas! But, the question is why.

When you engage in a brainstorming process in, say, a work environment, maybe you sit around a whiteboard, toss some ideas around, write some on the board, and at the end of the day/week/month, the white board is erased. The brainstorm is gone. (I actually think this is part of the reason people incorrectly assume that brainstorms themselves have no real value. We dispose of them so quickly!) Sure, one or more of the ideas may remain alive at the business (figuratively speaking), but the actual brainstorm is gone.

Maybe it's not a whiteboard. Maybe instead you do have a brainstorm on your own on a piece of scratch paper. You can organize your thoughts a little better when you can see them. But, more than likely, when it's all said and done, you toss the paper.

Well, consider this. What if you just spoke your ideas into a camera and put them on YouTube? Each video brainstorm is essentially another create whiteboard that can stick around for as long as you want, possibly even decades or centuries after you cease to exist!

Each of your brainstorms, even though just a raw exploration of your ideas, now functions as an entry point of sorts to access all of your other ideas, include your more valuable ones.

Each idea not only functions as an entry point to more of your ideas, it also functions as a piece of a sort of digital commercial real estate which you can have a billboard on. Meaning, YouTube, with certain restrictions, will allow you to put ads at the beginning of the video. If someone watches the ad, you can get paid!

What's powerful here is that the ad exists whether the ideas in any given video are good or crap. So, an idea doesn't even have to be developed to potentially have some real economic value to you. Your brainstorms have value... but only if you record them and only if they reside on a platform where you can be compensated for the digital real estate you are creating.


There is so much more to share on this, but I'll reserve further thoughts on this for some future posts.  For now you get the point. Ideas are valuable, whether you execute them or not. Going forward, I am going to bring you some ideas that are intended to bring you tremendous value. Some will be refined. Some will be raw. However they come, count on one thing. We're going to have some fun here.

Topic: #BrainStorms


The Blog Is Back!

A few hours ago, Tiger Woods won the Masters for the first time since 2005. Further, this is his first major win since 2008. This has to be one of the greatest comebacks, if not THE greatest, in sports history. And, it's not just a comeback of athletic ability. It's a comeback of the man himself. And today, I'm going to use this story as inspiration to me.

For awhile now, I've been contemplating bringing this blog back. It's been several years since I've made a post. But,  I've been progressively laying the groundwork to bringing it back and better than ever. I have a lot of fun ideas that I want to explore here. And I've developed a system for producing content that allows me to do it at a much faster and hopefully more consistent rate than ever before. Are there still some uncertainties with it? Yes. But, I think today is the day to officially bring it back. Today, with Tiger's win, marks a day of comebacks. And in the spirit of the day, the time to launch the return of this blog is now. Right now. So here we go.

To start, some important changes have been made. To begin, I removed all prior posts that have ever been made. I think to really kick this thing off right, it just needs a completely fresh start. Out with the old... in with the new. I want to be completely unrestricted by the content of the past, so there is a completely clean canvass for the content of the future.

Next, I'd like to point out the important integration of Twitter with this blog. If you are viewing this blog on a desktop or laptop computer, you'll notice that tweets from my Twitter account are embedded on the right side of your screen. (If you are viewing on a mobile device, this cannot be seen.)

Right before I began writing this post, I made a very small change to my Twitter account. Specifically, I made a very small change to the wording of my Twitter bio. Before, there was a sentence that read, "Follow me for my insights on influence, personal finance, and success." That sentence now reads, "Follow me for my ideas on influence, personal finance, and success." Additionally, this blog has never had a descriptive tag line under the title "Ryan Snefsky's Blog". Now, there is a small description that says "These are my insights on influence, personal finance, and success." All of these changes are reflective of the strategy of this blog going forward.

The significance of the change from "insights" to "ideas" on my Twitter bio reflects my strategy of beginning to use my tweets as a figurative planting of "seeds" on an "idea farm". Twitter is a great outlet for just getting my ideas out there, described as simply as possible, as only so many characters are permitted in each tweet. But once the ideas are out there, I have the benefit of interactive feedback. I am able to see things such as which tweets get the most likes, retweets, replies, impressions (views), etc. So, I am able to easily see which ideas have the most interest and are ready for further growth.

I added the tag line to the title of this blog which uses the word "insights", because one of the purposes of this blog will be to function as a place where I plan can expand on ideas that have proven that they are ready for further expansion. "Insights" just seems like a word that implies a deeper level of intellectual exploration than "ideas". So, Twitter will display ideas. This blog will display deeper insights. And if you view this blog on a computer, the embedded tweets will allow you a quick glimpse at ideas that may be explored here in the future. And, if you instead view this site on a mobile device, you can still see my tweets by either searching for my name on twitter or using the following link: http://www.twitter.com/ryansnefsky

I suppose that gives you the gist for now. I'm excited to be bringing this blog back. I've always enjoyed sharing ideas with you here, even under past iterations of the blog. But I really feel like I can see its direction and full potential much more clearly now than ever before. I hope you enjoy.