Ryan Snefsky's Blog: The Power of “Concept” Posts: Enhancing Your Reading Experience


The Power of “Concept” Posts: Enhancing Your Reading Experience

Going forward, you are going to begin to notice a new category of posts here on the blog called “Concepts”.

“Concept” posts will serve as a hub for broad ideas or topics that are discussed on the blog and have many different facets or angles. These posts will serve two main purposes.

First, they will serve to communicate a general description or explanation of the concept for reference purposes. So, if a concept in a post is discussed with which you are unfamiliar, you’ll be able to click on the concept and be taken to the concept post that provides some background information to help bring you up to speed. This way, you won’t have to leave to go investigate the concept on a different site, such as Wikipedia, and the background information you get will be much more tailored to helping you understand the content that exists here on the blog.

Second, these “Concept” posts will serve as a place to aggregate content on the blog that relates to each concept. This way, if you’re reading a post that you find interesting and relates to a certain concept, you’ll easily and quickly be able to find other content that you’ll be likely to enjoy by clicking on the linked concept post.

So to look at an example of a possible Concept post, suppose you’re reading a post here that relates to a narrow aspect of Psychology. Within that post, you’d be able to click on the word “psychology” (assuming a concept page for psychology exists here), and you’d be taken to a page that 1) briefly discusses what psychology is, 2) has links to content here on the blog that is related to psychology, and 3) includes an interactive list of other concept posts that exist here on the blog and relate to the concept of psychology.

So whether you’re someone looking to deepen your understanding of a particular subject or simply someone who enjoys exploring the potential rabbit holes of new ideas and concepts, I think you’ll find the new “concept” posts here to be of value.

I hope you enjoy! And if you have any ideas as to how to make concept posts even more valuable to readers, please share your ideas with me here in the comments or by sending me a message on either Twitter or Instagram @RyanSnefsky.

Thank you for reading!

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