Ryan Snefsky's Blog: The Blog Is Back!


The Blog Is Back!

A few hours ago, Tiger Woods won the Masters for the first time since 2005. Further, this is his first major win since 2008. This has to be one of the greatest comebacks, if not THE greatest, in sports history. And, it's not just a comeback of athletic ability. It's a comeback of the man himself. And today, I'm going to use this story as inspiration to me.

For awhile now, I've been contemplating bringing this blog back. It's been several years since I've made a post. But,  I've been progressively laying the groundwork to bringing it back and better than ever. I have a lot of fun ideas that I want to explore here. And I've developed a system for producing content that allows me to do it at a much faster and hopefully more consistent rate than ever before. Are there still some uncertainties with it? Yes. But, I think today is the day to officially bring it back. Today, with Tiger's win, marks a day of comebacks. And in the spirit of the day, the time to launch the return of this blog is now. Right now. So here we go.

To start, some important changes have been made. To begin, I removed all prior posts that have ever been made. I think to really kick this thing off right, it just needs a completely fresh start. Out with the old... in with the new. I want to be completely unrestricted by the content of the past, so there is a completely clean canvass for the content of the future.

Next, I'd like to point out the important integration of Twitter with this blog. If you are viewing this blog on a desktop or laptop computer, you'll notice that tweets from my Twitter account are embedded on the right side of your screen. (If you are viewing on a mobile device, this cannot be seen.)

Right before I began writing this post, I made a very small change to my Twitter account. Specifically, I made a very small change to the wording of my Twitter bio. Before, there was a sentence that read, "Follow me for my insights on influence, personal finance, and success." That sentence now reads, "Follow me for my ideas on influence, personal finance, and success." Additionally, this blog has never had a descriptive tag line under the title "Ryan Snefsky's Blog". Now, there is a small description that says "These are my insights on influence, personal finance, and success." All of these changes are reflective of the strategy of this blog going forward.

The significance of the change from "insights" to "ideas" on my Twitter bio reflects my strategy of beginning to use my tweets as a figurative planting of "seeds" on an "idea farm". Twitter is a great outlet for just getting my ideas out there, described as simply as possible, as only so many characters are permitted in each tweet. But once the ideas are out there, I have the benefit of interactive feedback. I am able to see things such as which tweets get the most likes, retweets, replies, impressions (views), etc. So, I am able to easily see which ideas have the most interest and are ready for further growth.

I added the tag line to the title of this blog which uses the word "insights", because one of the purposes of this blog will be to function as a place where I plan can expand on ideas that have proven that they are ready for further expansion. "Insights" just seems like a word that implies a deeper level of intellectual exploration than "ideas". So, Twitter will display ideas. This blog will display deeper insights. And if you view this blog on a computer, the embedded tweets will allow you a quick glimpse at ideas that may be explored here in the future. And, if you instead view this site on a mobile device, you can still see my tweets by either searching for my name on twitter or using the following link: http://www.twitter.com/ryansnefsky

I suppose that gives you the gist for now. I'm excited to be bringing this blog back. I've always enjoyed sharing ideas with you here, even under past iterations of the blog. But I really feel like I can see its direction and full potential much more clearly now than ever before. I hope you enjoy.

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